
Showing posts from April, 2022

Intro to our coming trip

 It's been three years since we've been able to get back to Europe to take on a new adventure in our "Whitewesty" camper van. Luckily we have been able to see our son and grandkids, as they have been able to come here in the summer and again last Christmas during Covid lulls. This blog post is really just a test to see if I remember how to use Blogger. Please don't be shy if you prefer not to be on my list... I totally understand how swamped we are these days with all this stuff. If you do choose to stay on, I will try to make the posts brief and interesting. We leave Vancouver on British Air to London then Amsterdam on May 1, with a current plan to return home June 16, though that might be shortened a bit. Due to the Ukraine crisis, we will probably stay in Western Europe, and will cut down on long distance driving.... the less Russian oil we buy the better! I will attach a photo of Whitewesty. She is currently in the hands of my brother, travelling in France, an